STM equipment for cryogenic applications:

Cryogenic grinding

Pulverization processes normally carried out at ambient temperature can be done at cryogenic temperatures, obtaining higher quality ground products and reducing energy costs.

Heat-sensitive substances with low softening points such as elastomers, rubbers, resins and oily products, can be milled effectively by the use of liquid nitrogen to bring them to their brittle temperature.

Certain materials which cannot be processed in conventional-type mills can now be ground cryogenically.



Liquid or gaseous nitrogen

Liquid nitrogen has three main functions

  • Rapidly cools materials to brittle temperature before introduction into the mill
  • Maintains a constant working temperature by absorbing heat produced during the grinding process
  • Produces an inert, extremely dry and non-toxic atmosphere in the milling plant.

Substances ground cryogenically are physically different from those ground using traditional methods, because of the way in which the material's structure is broken down.

Substances which have been made brittle cryogenically display homogeneous, crystalline cubic grains: milling at ambient temperature, however, results in powders whose physical properties are non-uniform, because the initial matrix is continually damaged by the flow of crystal planes or the reticular structure of the material.


Uses and Advantages

Cryogenic grinding can be successfully and economically used in the milling of elastomer waste, plastic materials and in all fields where organoleptic, physical or chemical properties need to be blocked cryogenically and maintained in the final product.

Positive factors of cryogenic grinding are:

  • Higher yield
  • Better quality end product, without abnormal tearing or breakdown in the molecular structure
  • Reduction in energy use
  • Higher quality end product
  • Less waste from oxidation and overheating
  • Finer and more homogeneous product
  • Reduction in material to be re-processed in the milling system

The quantity of liquid nitrogen used in cryogenic grinding processes is a fundamental consideration when evaluating for or against; this varies according to the materials processed.


Organic Substances

Various combustible, combustive and organic materials can be processed easily and safely, resulting in products which retain not only their physical properties but also their chemical and organoleptic qualities.

The design of our machinery conforms to current ATEX (anti-explosion) legislation, using nitrogen gas as a de-activating agent.


Generic data

Examples follow of cryogenic grinding plants with sieve particulate selection.
Machine Model: series MPC 400 peg impact mill Informazioni
Tipo Prodotto Produzione
Finezza in µ
Consumo d'azoto
Polietilene a bassa densità 160 200 -30 1,5
Hostalen 70 160 -60 3,3
Poliammide 144 200 -60 2,3
Poliammide x 2007 130 800 -60 1,7
Resina epossidica 400 100 +5 0,4
Viton 70 200 -20 3
Epdm 220 1000 -29 1,5
Polietilene alta densità 90 315 -60 3,2
Poliestere P1500 300 315 -15 0,7
Poliestere S1218 140 250 -30 1,4
Pvc 200 400 -15 1,2
Pvc duro 500 800 -10 0,6
Metilcellulosa 130 200 -40 2,3
Cellulosa 80 200 -65 2,8
Zolfo 850 40 0 0,4
Vaniglia 180 300 -45 1,5
Pepe 500 630 +5 0,4
Gomma arabica 120 50 0 0,5
Fitosterolo 250 200 -40 1
Funghicida 40 100 -20 1,8
Monogliceridi 150 80 -20 0,85
Sulfadimetossina 250 50 -5 0,3
Cefalosporina 150 100 -15 0,5
Fruttosio 300 50 0 0,3
Nylon 12 95 400 -140 2,4
Poliuretano 120 200 -45 1,6
TiO2 120 315 -15 1,1
Resine viniliche (colori) 140 400 -15 1,2
Vestamid T170 130 200 -70 1,8
Vestamid T250M 192 200 -60 1,9
Poliammide 6 203 400 -60 1,4
Cannella 110 200 +5 0,8
Soja (<1 mm) 600 50 0 0,4
Funghi secchi (5mm) 360 160 0 0,5
Noce moscata in pezzi 760 800 +10 0,3
Chiodi di garofano 200 315 -5 0,9
Melarancia 150 - -5 1
Biancospino 500 200 +5 0,5
Caseina 400 200 -20 0,85
Comino 400 400 0 0,6
Coriandolo 550 400 0 0,3
Formaggio 520 400 +5 0,4
Zenzero 480 400 +5 0,4
Finocchio 330 250 +10 0,6
Anice 200 500 -15 0,9
Senape 220 400 -5 0,85
Caffè tostato 170 50 -25 1,1
Benzocaina 170 125 0 0,8
Steroidi A 450 32 0 0,6
Steroidi B 250 32 -20 0,9